Record and Play Mouse Cursor Movements to Prevent Gtalk Going Idle Mode can be done using a windows application named MouseController. by which you can Record and Save the Activities of Cursor Movements like Clicks, Drags, etc. Usually no one likes to do a work sitting in front of their computer for a long time without any Break or Leisure. Mostly they were forced to sit, because that process they are doing would be Aborted if the Windows PC goes to StandBy Mode. So, they have to move their mouse at a time interval to avoid the Standby or Idle Mode. This can be Prevented by this Software MouseController, you can Automatically and Continuously perform some process which requires only the mouse Clicks and Events, without even touching the Mouse. And also it can prevent or stop your Chat Messengers like Google Talk (Gtalk) from going IDLE mode. We can see the tutorial how to make it possible even in your absence.
Features of MouseController
1. Simple and Easy User-Interface.
2. Can carry in USB Drives as a Portable Application, it means you don’t want to install in your Computer.
3. You can Save the Recorded Mouse actions as MCD file Extension and Play it Later.
4. Keyboard Hotkeys to start and Stop the Recording.
5. Play the Recorded Mouse Events in Specific Time intervals and Speed like 0.5x, 0.9x, 1x, 1.1x, 2x & custom.
Record and Play Mouse Cursor Movements to Prevent Gtalk Going Idle
Starting with MouseController
First of all you need to download the MouseController application for Windows Operating System.
<-Download MouseController Here-> (Just Extract and open the .exe file from the Downloaded .zip file)
Note: You must have .NET Framework installed in your computer to use this application.
Once extracted the .exe file, just open it simply though its a portable application that don’t need to install in your PC.
Recording the Mouse Event
Here,we go with the Main feature of this application to Record the Mouse Cursor Actions. As we said earlier, Keyboard Hotkeys are used for controlling START and STOP recording.
1. To Start the Recording press F9 (Default) by opening the application.
Note: You can also change the Hotkey by selecting the Dropdown.
Now your mouse actions will be recorded until you stop the recording.
At the Time of recording, events including in the Record are Cursor Movements, Clicks, Text Selection, Windows Drag, Menu Selection, Open and Close windows. 2. To Stop the Recording again press F9 (Default) key.
Note: You can also change the Hotkey by selecting the Dropdown.
Playback the Recorded Event
Once the Record gets Stopped, Playback the Recorded Mouse Events by Pressing F11 (Default) Key.
Note: You can also change the Playback Hotkey by selecting the Dropdown.
The Special part of the Playback is, you can set the Speed of the Playback by Selection the Value from TIME SKETCH of the Menu bar.
To save the recorded mouse activities, just click File>Save then save it in any Destination. If you want to play that Saved MCD file, just Click open and load the File anytime.
So, guys !! now you can perform any mouse actions in your computer without your presence. Hope you have enjoyed the Record and Play Mouse Cursor Movements to Prevent Gtalk Going Idle.
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perfect home recently posted…perfect home
Again Nice Trick, Please tell me one thing, how you are making your images. give that method please 🙂
yogesh recently posted…Facebook Tricks #2 : How to Trace your Recent Visitors
Tanq.. using photoshop bro.
RajaGopal TechyLeakz recently posted…Record and Play Mouse Cursor Movements to Prevent Gtalk Going Idle